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Demon Beam Installation Guide

Before you begin, Please read: Under no circumstances should you run the OEM (White) element AND the RGB element at the same time (Have dipped beam on whilst red is on for example) - This will cause severe catastrophic damage to the LED chips and cause the RGB element to fail!

Please use this as a guide if you are unsure about electrics please follow these to the letter or seek guidance. It is really simple and straight forward and should take all together no longer than 30 minutes to fit the Demon Beam™. Although the process is extremely simple it is advisable that if you have no experience of dealing with electrics you leave this to a professional, damage caused to the item as a result of malpractice are not covered under warranty so please ensure before undertaking this task you are equipped enough to do so. 

Also please bear in mind that any electrical mishaps can result in fires so proceed with caution!

DO's and DONT'S
·         Follow this guide exactly to the letter – it is here to ensure no damage is caused to the item or the vehicle!
·         Ask CEUK for help if you need it
·         Have a general basic knowledge for electrics and how it works.
·         Ensure all engine and electrics are switched off
·         Touch the LED
·         Think you know better
·         Skip any steps
·         Assume
·         Alter the product in any way (Changing wires etc) - this will Void Warranty with no exceptions
·         Insert the fuse before earth and live are secure under any circumstances!

Step 1. Undo the nut on the battery live (usually 8mm or 10mm) by a few threads ensuring not fully removed. Take the red Wire with the fuse holder on, and insert the U shaped tab under the but and tighten. Now go to your earthing strap which should be located just above the fuse box (usually 8 or 10mm), undo the bolt by only a few threads ensuring not completely removed, this time take the black wire form the receiver box and insert the horse shoe connector under the bolt then reconnect and tighten the bolt. 

Side Note: Take care not to over tighten the nuts as they can snap and crack

Step 2: Take one of the bulbs, and without touching the led or white section, insert the bulb into its location (EG: Dipped beam / Fog Light). Take the push connector and plug it into the bluetooth receiver box, ensuring that you meet the locator pin (it will only insert one way). Once pushed firmly in, twist the screw cap over the top of the connection until tight. Repeat this for the other side

It is very important that the screw caps are tightened fully over the connector to ensure they are water tight!

Step 3: Attach the OEM connector to the bulb (H11/H7) - be advised the bulb is polarity based so will only work one way round. when testing the lights if the bulb doesn't come in remove rotate 180 degrees and re insert.

Step 4: Once you are confident the OEM element works and the red and black wire are securely connected, ensuring the OEM element (Dipped Beam / Fog Light) is SWITCHED OFF - Insert the fuse into the fuse holder on the red cable. This should then turn on the RGB element of the lights. You can now download the which is called BLEDIM. If the lights dont come on straight away dont panic, simply turn on the bluetooth on the phone find the lights and switch them on!

Step 5: Once everything is tested and installed route your wiring so it is hidden and connect everything back together and away you go.

Step 6: Hide the bluetooth receiver somewhere dry and away from heat! We recommend up near the fuse box as the bulb wiring is long enough to reach!


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