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RGB Halo Instructions

CEUK  RGB Halos fitting guide
Please use this as a guide if you are unsure about electrics please follow these to the letter or seek guidance. It is really simple and straight forward and should take all together no longer than 30 minutes to fit the halos. Although the process is extremely simple it is advisable that if you have no experience of dealing with electrics you leave this to a professional, damage caused to the halos as a result of malpractice are not covered under warranty so please ensure before undertaking this task you are equipped enough to do so.
Also please bear in mind that any electrical mishaps can result in fires so proceed with caution!

DO's and DONT'S
·         Follow this guide exactly to the letter – it is here to ensure no damage is caused to the halos or the vehicle!
·         Ask CEUK for help if you need it
·         Have a general basic knowledge for electrics and how it works.
·         Ensure all engine and electrics are switched off
·         Skip any steps
·         Think you know better
·         Be rough with the wires
·         Assume
·         Alter the product in any way (Changing wires etc) - this will Void Warranty with no exceptions
·         Insert the fuse before earth and live are secure under any circumstances!

Step 1. Take all the items out of your box and place them separately on a table, example both halos and boxes at one side, Bluetooth receiver and wiring at the other side. Leave the halos to one side for the time being. Take your receiver and wiring outside to the car. Remove both headlights and also all screws out of top of bumper allowing the bumper to remain in place but giving you space to reach down behind.

Step 2. Take a socket (this will likely be 10 or 12 mm) and undo the bolt on your battery live but only by a few threads so the strap ISN'T fully loose. Take the red wire on the receiver box and insert the horse shoe shaped connector under the bolt and then tighten it back up. Now go to your earthing strap which should be located just above the fuse box (usually 8 or 10mm), again undo the bolt by only a few threads ensuring not completely removed, this time take the black wire form the receiver box and again insert the horse shoe connector under the bolt then reconnect and tighten the bolt.
Do Not mix these wires up, and connect the black to battery and red to earth as this will be catastrophic to the Bluetooth receiver box!

Step 3: Once, and only once you have secured the red wire to the battery, and the black to the earth - Insert the fuse (Located in your clear kit bag) into the black fuse holder on the red cable. This is to stop the black/red wire touching items in the engine bay whilst working and short circuiting the box causing it to blow. Power will only be transmited once the fuse is inserted!

Step 4. On your mobile phone go to either the app store or Google play and search for an app called "Happy Lighting" and download.

Step 5. Without attaching the halos to the fog lights, take them to the car and plug in the connectors (there isn't any right way round, literally just big to big, small to small) once all fully connected at this stage you are ready to test that the halos work.  Open the happy lighting app on your phone (the first time you open this app it will take you on a tour please make sure that you go through this tour as it will make your understanding of the app a lot easier) to switch on the halos at the top left hand corner of the app you will see 3 circles and 3 lines next to each other, click this button. At this stage a menu at the side will open, you will see the words "my device" with an arrow to the right hand side, select this arrow and wait for your device to show up on the list (you do no need to manually connect the app using Bluetooth the app will find the halos for you). Next to your device you will see a light bulb that is either green or white, green means on and white means off. If they are currently off then switch them on. Once switched on close the menu and use the settings on the first screen to dictate what colour you wish to have them on (we are not going to tell you how to use each function as that will take the fun out of figuring it out, however any questions or concerns please contact us)

Step 6. Once tested and are satisfied that everything is working, switch the halos off via your phone and disconnect the halos from the Bluetooth receiver box.  Take your fog light bezels off your car and clean both the bezel and the halo using the alcohol wipes provided – then dry off any excess alcohol with tissue paper ensuring they are both dry before trying to stick the tape.
Use the long strip of tape provided to attach the halos to your bezels but be gentle with the wires on the back of the halos and take care not to pull the wiring out (it works best if you cut the tape into 8 strips that are about 2cm long, and place the strips in 4 places (See Fig1 Picture) around the halo) Once you are sure the halos are stuck to the bezel solid, take the bezels back to the car, feed the wire through the hole in the bumper, now place the bezels back where it belongs.

Step 7. Connect all the wires together and retest your halos using your phone app to ensure that everything is still working. See Picture Fig2 – As you can see, the wire coming off the halo has a clip about 12 inches in, 2 inches before this clip you will see some red tape in the picture. The connector that this clips to also has red tape about 2 inches into the wire! Using the roll of electrical tape supplied, once you have clipped the connector together, completely cover it with electric tape, starting at one red point and working your way across to the other red point, ensuring there is no gaps. We advise you do at Least 4 layers of tape (go back and forth between the red tape 4 times to ensure the connector is completely sealed and secure. (The purpose of this is to stop water getting inside the connector. If water does get inside this connector, the pins will be contaminated and the halos will begin to act strange and eventually become faulty, so Please ensure you completely seal this connection, you can even use a plastic bag over the connector then tape for added protection. Please note, Faulty halos due to water ingress at this connection is NOT covered by warranty, So it is really important this step is completed. The finished article should look like the picture Fig3) Now root your 3 boxes and the wiring inside the top of the bumper ensuring that these are kept as far away as possible from anything that generates heat or can be caught by water (hide the wiring from your bluetooth receiver to the battery under your headlight) - please do NOT stick the receiver box to any item in the engine bay, as if this box gets wet or overheats it will fail! job done, enjoy your new halos.

Halo Warranty
Warranty is provided and is 5 Years from day of purchase and covers all manufactured parts, however please take note of the next few factors that warranty does not cover:
·         Accidental damage cause by yourself during fitting
·         Wires pulled out off the back of halos
·         Damaged caused by not following the steps above
·         Water ingress from not taping connections
·         Damage to receiver box caused by heat (this only happens if the box Is resting on something hot)
·         Any alterations to the halos (changing connections, Cutting / adding components to the loom etc.
Generally the halos are extremely well built, long lasting and water proof and you shouldn't have any problems, but just ensure you look after them especially when removing bumper to work on the car etc.
We have made these kits as simple as possible, but please ensure you follow the steps above. Any issues or confusion please contact Ceuk on 0843 289 0182 for assistance.


What do to if you have an Issue:

If you have an issue with the halos, be it they do not work or a small fault is found - You Must contact us via our Facebook page with details of your query for a resolution.

Under No Circumstances must you attempt to take the halos apart, or alter any part of the product. If we receive Halos back for fault finding that have been adapted in any way, Regardless of any fault with the product prior to your adaptations warranty will be Void. There will be Zero Tolerance and NO Exception to this rule!

CEUK May ask you to return your faulty product to ourselves for fault finding. This is due to the fact all products are tested prior to packaging!

General FAQ’s and Problem Solvers

My phone isn’t picking up my halos at all even though they worked fine before?
Try restarting your phone. Switch Bluetooth off for 60 seconds then back on, Delete and re install the app. If all this fails – Remove and re insert the fuse from the fuse holder on the wiring loom.
My halos are on but my phone wont connect to change colour or switch them off?
On the phone app to the right of your device name is a chain icon – turn the halos to off on the app, click the chain so it disconnects, then click it again to reconnect – then press power on. This should re sync the app. If this doesn’t work, close the app, remove and reinsert the fuse then re-open the app. (removing and re inserting the fuse re sets the Bluetooth receiver box)
When my halos are switched off, one or both stays on really dim but they’ve worked fine before?
This will most likely be water ingress into the connectors that should have been taped securely. Remove tape and unclip connector, if contaminated you will see some green rusty soot like substance. Remove the fuse and try and clean the contaminate off the connector as best you can, re connect and ensure re taped securely. This can sometimes resolve the issue, But due to the fact electrics and water don’t mix it can sometimes have adverse effects going forward.


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